Genealogy Management Software and Cemetery Transcriptions Logo

Software, Databases ,Birth, Death, Marriage and other vital records.

Updates: CemEditor | OVS-CemEdPass| OVS-Crypter | OVS-Export | FileRenamer | OVS-Import

CemEditor Version 2

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Version 2 is now available and has many new features. Check today for special upgrade offers.

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For the these download below use your user name and password to login. You user name and password was sent to you with your software.
If you cannot get the user name and password to work please contact support.

We suggest you email us a user name and password that you have chosen to activate these pages. Please send these request to support with the subject as PASSWORD. Please include your Publisher ID and Name when requesting changes.

Recommended Download.

Download the web install (2.2 MB) which automatically installs the most recent version of all the programs including CemToHTM, CemToBOOK, and CemMapper. The CemToHTM, CemToBOOK, and CemMapper registrations, which are required for activation, are still purchased separately but the utilities are included in this download.


  • Download the file.
  • Double-click on CemEditorWebSetup.exe


To check your version simply click on the Help-About Menu in the CemEditor.

Version 2.1.00006 - February 24, 2010

  • Version Details
  • A full download including DAO libraries and examples from CD. (11.2 MB) Please email us at for the link to this download and include your registered user name and password.


Transcription Import Utility - Version 2.1.0003

Cemetery Information Import Utility - Version 2.1.0003


Version 2.1.0004


Version 2.0.0002

The photo crypting utility is still installed but is no longer required as of July 11, 2007. The new CemToCD performs this process automatically.


Version 2.0.0001

The data password utility is still installed but is no longer required as of July 11, 2007. The new CemToCD performs this process automatically.


Version 2.1.0001


Version 2.1.0004

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