OVS-Import Version 2 is more reliable and much
faster at about 30 records per second.
This in the update section for the OVS Importer.
Version 2.1.0004 - July 27, 2009
FIXED: A very rare error when data was too
sparse to import. The importor could not
determine what the default data type is being
imported. This update corrects this.
Version 2.1.0003 - June 12, 2008
MAINTENANCE: Improved error handling code.
Version 2.1.0002 - February 12, 2008
MAINTENANCE: Import and Export now recognizes
the tilde ~ as an end of line in the
Inscriptions. In a later version this may be
changed to [CR]. This update is to make the data
in the inscriptions more compatible when
exporting, opening, or saving CSV files with
Excel or the Export utility which sees any end of
line as an end of the row of data. This was not
the desired behavior. This update provides a
reliable method of making the data more
Version 2.1.0001 - November 20, 2007
MAINTENANCE: Code is compiled with new
Added: Photos can now be dragged and dropped
onto the main screen images
Version 2.0.0006 - November 9, 2007
NEW FEATURE: Custom field descriptions can
now be used. See help.
MAINTENANCE: CemEditor is now compatible to
be run on Linux systems using WINE (Cut and Paste
now work properly using WINE)
Version 2.0.0005 - July 11, 2007
New Feature: Integrated offline help system.
Online help is still available.
Added: Improved common internal file and path
handling functions.
Version 2.0.0004 - August 19, 2006
Updated: Proper importing of ZonePos field
for the CemMapper.
Version 2.0.0003 - August 7, 2006
Added/Fixed: Program now warns user when
multiple periods "." are included in CSV file
names. Example: "thisimportfile.csv" is ok but
"this.import.file.csv" is not.
Updated: Smart Match button will match more
user fields automatically now.
Version 2.0.0002
Fixed: Import no longer drops data when mixed
data is in the same column of the CSV file.
Version 2.0.0001
Version 2 initial release.
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