Genealogy Management Software and Cemetery Transcriptions Logo

Software, Databases ,Birth, Death, Marriage and other vital records.


Cemetery Information

Screenshot of previous version is here.

Cemetery Information Screenshot

After double-clicking on the cemetery field in the main editor the following screen will appear:

cem-edit-cemetery-info-screen-ver2 (57K)

Cemetery Information Entry Fields Help

The "Search For Cemetery" (outlined in red, same as cemetery field in the Editor) and the "Cemetery" field (outlined in green) should be the same.

  • If the "Cemetery" field is blank then copy the information from the "Search For Cemetery" field to the "Cemetery" field. This will be automated in a future version.
  • If the "Cemetery" field does not match then click on "ADD" then copy the information from the "Search For Cemetery" field to the "Cemetery" field, then continue to enter your information. This will be automated in a future version.

Information for multiple cemeteries can be entered. The information that is entered into the CemEditor's "Cemetery" field must match exactly to the "Cemetery" field above.

Field Sizes

Field Characters Comment
Cemetery 100 Enter Cemetery Name (If entering multiple cemeteries make sure each name is unique.)
40 Enter Address information.
City 30 Enter name of village, town or city.
25 Enter other local information.
Country 50 Enter country.
Zip 10 Enter postal code.
15 Enter latitude and longitude.
Notes 255 Enter notes including driving directions, date of survey etc...
Other Notes 255 Enter other notes -- condition of cemetery active etc....
Ownership Hist 255 Enter brief ownership history.
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
50 Photos must be in the ALSPWO folder or a sub directory of that folder.
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