Genealogy Management Software and Cemetery Transcriptions Logo

Software, Databases ,Birth, Death, Marriage and other vital records.


Version 1: Importing Data

Create a new database and CSV file

Importing the CSV File

Using the CemEditor Program:

From the upper right had side of the CemEditor screen, click on the "Excel CSV Import" tab.

You will see this:

help-excel-csv-import-screenshot (38K)

Using the Import Utility

If you haveprepared your CSV File already Click on "Open For Import". This screen will display: cem-edit-cemetery-import-screen-shot2 (60K)


  1. Select the file you are importing to (the MDB file that you created with the CemEditor)
  2. Select / browse for the files you are importing from. (the CSV file that you edited with your spreadsheet program)
  3. Match the CSV Fields to the CemEditor fields you are importing. (right column to left column)
  4. Click on "Import"


Take note that after importing into a blank database the very first record of the database will be blank. This is normal and the blank record may be deleted in the CemEditor. All of your data will follow.

If you would like to see the data sorted in the CemEditor in the order that it was imported you will need to select the "No Sort" option in the CemEditor

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