ADDED: image1,2,3 field value image1,2,3
width & height tags added for individuals pages
and image1,2,3 field value and picture1,2,3 tags
added for cemetery information pages
ADDED: define color for grid:
grid_header_color, grid_background_color,
grid_selected_row_color and,
1.0.0003 -- November 14, 2011
FIXED: Windows type folder delimiter "\"
(slash) in image name and path field was
preventing image display in some browsers. The
WebCem now converts the delimiter to a "/"
(forward slash) to allow the image to display
1.0.0002 -- November 7, 2011
FIXED: Debug mode not verifying columns.
(get_colnames error)
ADDED: Index file (index.php) to auto forward
to webcem script.
MODIFIED: Image sizing routines modified for
even faster performance.
1.0.0001 -- October 28, 2011
ADDED: Search Bar Features
1.0.0000 -- July 29, 2011
Initial Release
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