Genealogy Management Software and Cemetery Transcriptions Logo

Software, Databases ,Birth, Death, Marriage and other vital records.



Exporting Data

This utility transfers files from the CemEditor to a "CSV" file. CSV means comma separated values. These files are a very common format that many programs can open.

Version 3 of the export utility will export both the transcriptions and the cemetery information.

Exporting to a CSV File

Using the CemEditor Program:

From the upper right hand side of the CemEditor screen, click on the "CSV Import / Export" tab. Press the "Export to CSV" button. help-excel-csv-import-screenshot-version2_a (31K)


cem-edit-cemetery-export-screen-shot2-version2 (87K)

Very few steps are required.

  • Select a data file to work with:
    • Press the "Select File" button
    • or use the file that is automatically loaded by the CemEditor.
  • Choose the export file names:
    • Press the "Select File" buttons "Export To:" files.
    • or press the "Auto Create Export Filenames" button.
  • Select which type of data to export: All, Transcription fields, or Cemetery Information Sheet fields.
  • Press the "Export" button.

When the utility is finished exporting the files you may open the output file in another program such as Microsoft Excel or a plain text editor.

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