Genealogy Management Software and Cemetery Transcriptions Logo

Software, Databases ,Birth, Death, Marriage and other vital records.



Password Protecting The Data

It is recommended for CemEditor version 3 or above to use the built in CemToCD utility when publishing to create a CD or DVD distribution.

This CemEditor utility makes a copy and password protects your final database file so that only you or the CemViewer can open this file. It does not alter your existing database.

Using the Utility

To start the utility click on the CemEditor "Final Steps - Data Protection" Tab, then click on "Password Protect Database"

The following screen should display: help-csv-datapass-screenshot (16K)

  • The database name you are currently editing will be displayed
  • Enter the Password you want to use to use to protect your database. Re-Enter the password and write it down. You will need it later.
  • Click on "Password Protect Database" The new password protected database will be the same name as your old database with a "-P" following the name
  • Re-Open CemEditor and Edit another database.

This utility also creates your "Starter.BOX" file which is distributed with your published CD. The file only contains the database name for the CemViewer. Clicking on the Starter.Box file will automatically open the database in the CemViewer. You may also edit this file with a text editor like Notepad or Wordpad.

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