Genealogy Management Software and Cemetery Transcriptions Logo

Software, Databases ,Birth, Death, Marriage and other vital records.

FAQS - CemViewer

Questions and Answers

Q:Where is the help for CemViewer located?
A:You can find the CemViewer help here: CemViewer help.

Q:What does this message mean when installing a program. "An access violation occurred while copying the file".
A: This is caused by other programs using the file during the installation. See installation troubleshooting.

Q:The CemViewer is now showing some of the photographs, but not all of them. I think it is because I have them in sub folders. I also receive the following error message: "Error accessing file" followed by a filename. How do I remedy this?
A: Downloading CemViewer version 1.6.030 or higher will prevent the message and allow the pictures to display. You may download this update from the updates page.

Q:I can view the map and readme files on the cd. How do I view the thumbnails?
A:The CemViewer Lite program is included for free with your CD. It is necessary to install this program to view the photos and inscription information. To install the program look for the "Setup" folder on the CD. Once the program is installed use your start menu to access the the program and CD.

Q:Can I start the program from the CD?
A:Yes. First install the CemViewer. After the CemViewer is finished installing click on the Windows "Start Button". Click on "Programs". Look for CemViewer and click on it. Once the Program has been run the first time you can start it from then on by clicking on the Starter.BOX file on the CD.

Q:My CD will not work. Will you replace it?
A:Yes. Occasionally during shipping a CD may be damaged, or it just may not work. Send us an email describing your problem to make sure that it isn't one of the installation issues above. We will send you a new CD if it does not work.

Q:I received a "Run time error 5 invalid procedure call" when opening a cemetery database in the CemViewer
A:First make sure you have opened the correct database. If you receive this error look for a database on your CD with the"-P" or "Cemetery-P.MDB"
This error occurs when a database that is not protected is trying to be opened in the CemViewer.
Contact support if you were unable to find another file that would open.
Download the version 1.6.25 update or later version to prevent this error.

Q:I received a "Error 13" when opening a cemetery database in the CemViewer and cannot view photos.
This error occurs only when trying to open the original version of CemViewer databases.
Download the version 1.6.31 update or later version to prevent this error.

Q: I want to install the CemViewer on My Desktop and Lap top. Does your software license allow this?
A: You can install the software on the computer(s) you are going to use it on.

Q: I can view the map and readme files on the cd. How do I view the thumbnails?
A: The CemViewer Lite program is included for free with your CD. It is necessary to install this program to view the photos and inscription information. To install the program look for the "Setup" folder on the CD. Once the program is installed use your start menu to access the the program and CD.

Q:I received an error. What do I do?
A:It is very rare to receive an errors using this program but if you received an error message from the CemViewer, please contact us at and we will help you. We offer free support 24/7 all week long. Please allow up to 24 hours for a response. We normally respond within 1 to 2 hours during day time hours.

Please include a description of you problem and send us the error message you received. Tell us what you were doing when the error occurred and if you send your telephone number we can contact by telephone if we are unable to resolve the error by email. Also Check the FAQs to see if the problem has already been fixed in an update.

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