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OVS-Genealogy > Cemetery > USA > Ohio Counties > Auglaize County >

Allen/Auglaize County, Ohio Genealogy Information

CD: Chief Blackhoof Memorial Park a.k.a St Johns Cemetery

Date of Survey: 10/6/04

We have surveyed the entire cemetery. Pictures of each monument are included.

See list of names below.

Better than a list --This is a Searchable database with pictures.

Easy to find family members.

This cemetery is located in Auglaize County at the corner of SR 65 (St.Johns Road) and SR 33 in Union Township near Clay Township. Towns & cities in the area include Waynesfield, Cridersville, Uniopolis, Wapakoneta, St. Johns, New Hampshire, Jackson Center,& Lima Ohio. The cemetery is located in Union Township in Auglaize County, OH. It was renamed after Chief Blackhoof - Chief of the Shawnee Indian Tribes. Chief Blackhoof is buried here.

  • We have included our CemViewer database viewer, included at no cost.
  • Search for First names, lastname, rows or monument stone.
  • Cut and paste information & pictures to your documents.

General information about this CD

  • This CD contains at least 1 picture of each stone still visible or base of stone.
  • There are 2 pictures when monuments have inscriptions on the back and front sides.
  • Some stone will have 3 photos.
  • Large towering stones will have a closeup and a full view.
  • Inscription information, when legible, is typed and included in the database.
  • Information from stones includes Names, Dates, location of the monument.
  • Cemeteries with more than 1 section include a map.

Not just names, pictures too.

Deaths ranging from the 1840 's to the 1980 's. Majority of monuments are from the early 1900 's.

There are well over 850 entries included on this CD.

Last Names / Surnames included are:

Accuntius Alexander Allen Alspaugh Annesser Anspaugh Anthony Arthur Askren Baggs Bailey Baker Basil Bathel Baughman Bayliff Beard Bechdoldt Bechdolt Beech Beer Bennet Bennett Benson Bigler Billger Bitler Blackhoof Blank Bliss Blume Bogart Book Boop Bowman Brackney Bryan Burden Burris Bush Bustetter Caldwell Campbell Carder Cashner Castle Castle Chambers Clark Coleman Conner Copeland Corder Crider Darst Davis Deaver Decker Dickson Dillon Dobie Downing Eisley Emerson English Faulkner Fessler Finley Fisher Fleming Flinn Foreman Geisler Gelsler Geyer Giberson Gillmore Gnagi Green Gross Hagarman Hague Hamilton Hammack Hancock Hanson Harper Hearoff Henderson Hern Heston Hux Jackson Kemper Kennedy Keysor Knoch Larrowe Lawrence Layton Line Looney Lusk Mahanna Markley Marsh Martin Mayhugh McBride McCally McClellan McCreight McHugh McKercher McKinney McMillin McNeil McReight Mertz Metz Miars Miller Moore Morris Perkins Neal Neil Northrup Northup Oxley Pence Perkins Persell Porter Powel Powell Price Prince Reeder Reinhart Richardson Riggs Rogers Rostorfer Schlaghter Schneider Schuler Seman Setty Shanks Shannon Shaw Shoffstall Shoup Shuck Shultz Smith Snider Snyder Sommers Staley Stoly Swarts Swartz Swingle Taylor Thrush Toland Truesdale Ulrey Van Tress (VanTress) Waggoner Walck Waltermiers Warnock Welchhance Wierman Williams Wolary Wood Yoesting

Many of the stones in this cemetery were very difficult to read and a great deal of care was taken to present the most accurate information possible.

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