County, Ohio Genealogy
CD: Fairmount Cemetery aka
Pleasant View Cemetery
We have surveyed the entire cemetery. Pictures of
each monument are included.
See list of names below.
Better than a list --This is a Searchable
database with pictures.
Easy to find family members.
This cemetery is located in northern Auglaize
County near Allen County. Towns & cities in
the area include Waynesfield, Cridersville,
Uniopolis, Wapakoneta, & Lima Ohio. The
cemetery is located in Union Township in Auglaize
County, OH.
- We have included our CemViewer database
viewer, included at no cost.
- Search for First names, lastname, rows or
monument stone.
- Cut and paste information & pictures to
your documents.
General information about this CD
- This CD contains at least 1 picture of each
stone still visible or base of stone.
- There are 2 pictures when monuments have
inscriptions on the back and front sides.
- Large towering stones will have a closeup and
a full view.
- Inscription information, when legible, is
typed and included in the database.
- Information from stones includes Names,
Dates, location of the monument and a cemetery
Not just names, pictures too.
Deaths ranging from the 1840 's thru 7/30/2004
There are well over 3400 individuals included on
this CD.
Last Names / Surnames included are:
Abbott Able Acheson Alexander Ambos Anderson
Andrews Anthony Archer Ash Ashburn Baber Bacome
Baeumel Bailey Bains Baker Baney Barber Barrett
Bartley Barton Basil Baughman Baumgardner Bayliff
Beaver Bechdolt Beech Beer Beery Bell Bennett
Benson Berkbile Berry Bertram Bethers Bice
Biddinger Biederman Bielstein Biglow Billger
Binkley Bitler Black Blain Blank Bodell Boise
Bomgardner Bondurant Bosh Bowdle Bowers Bowersock
Brackney Brentlinger Bresler Brewer Brock
Brockert Brown Brownell Bryan Bryant Buchanan
Buffenbarger Burden Burgess Burgoon Butler Cable
Camblin Campbell Carnes Carter Caseldine Chapman
Childs Chiles Clark Clarke Claybaugh Clingerman
Coate Cochran Cole Coleman Comer Congdon Conkle
Conner Conrad Cook Coon Copeland Core Cowan Cox
Coyle Crabb Craft Crawford Critchfield Crossley
Crouse Cumming Cummings Curtis Cusick Daugh Davis
Davisson Dawson DeCamp Decker Delong Denig
Deweese Dickson Dillon Doner Dorsten Doty Dowing
Downing Dudgeon Dunbar Duncan Dunlap Dupler
Duvall Earl East Eaton Eberle Ebling Edminston
Edmiston Eisley Elliott Elsass Emrick Erb Erskine
Erwin Ewing Failor Faler Falkner Faulkner
Ferguson Fess Fessler Few Finlaw Finn Fisher
Fleming Flinn Focht Foght Foltz Forbes Fox
Franklin Franks Frasier Frazier Frese Freymuth
Frideger Fridley Frier Frymyer Fugatt Fuller
Garland Garrett Gesler Giberson Giel Gierhart
Giffin Gilmer Gilmore Gilroy Golden Good Gordon
Gossard Gould Graessle Graham Grant Grimes Gross
Grover Guthrie Guy Hackworth Hand Harden Hardesty
Hardin Harps Harrod Harruff Hartung Hattery
Hawkins Hayes Haywood Heffner Hefner Henderson
Hendricks Hendrickson Hentze Hern Herndon Hester
Hetzler Hitchcock Hitchen Hitzeman Hobbs Holland
Honert Horman Horn Hoskins Houser Howe Howell
Hower Huffer Hughes Hull Hunt Hurlburt Hurley
Hutchinson Huttis Hutton Hux Jacobs James Jenkins
Jett Johnson Jolley Jones Jordan Judy Justice
Kaiser Kampmann Kauffman Keeling Keith Kent Kerns
Kerr Keuthan Kinninger Kinstle Kirkland Kiser
Klingaman Knapp Knotts Knutzen Kohler Konst
Kramer Krebs Krites Kugel Kunkleman Laird Lane
Lanning Laudick Lawles Laycock Layton Lea Leach
Leatherman Lee Lehman Lepley Lhamon Linders Line
Lippincott Locke Loegel Logan Lones Long Lontz
Lowe Lowry Lusk Lytle Macdonald Macher Marriott
Marshall Martin Mason Matthews Mauk Mayhugh Mc
Beth McAvoy McCabe McClain McCormack McCormick
McCreight McDougle McElroy McGinnis McKercher
McKinney McKivison McLean McOwen McPheron Meijer
Merriman Merschman Mertz Metz Metzger Meyers
Miller Miner Mix Monroe Montague Moore
Morningstar Morrice Morris Mosier Moss Motter
Mowery Mowry Mullins Murphy Murray Musser Myers
Naas Nange Naus Naylor Neeley Nesbitt Neville
Newport Numbers Oakley Oakly Ohler Oliver Omlor
Opperman Opperman Rehn Orr Owsley Pack Park
Parlett Parlette Patton Pence Pepper Pepple
Perkins Pester Peters Petree Phillips Phipps
Pinnick Whetstone Place Plapp Plough Plummer
Poole Porter Potter Pressner Preston Rabe Rader
Ranck Randall Rash Rayburn Ream Red Rehm Reinhart
Rex Rice Ridley Rimer Rinehart Ritchey Ritchie
Rizor Roach Robbins Robinson Roby Rockwell Rodman
Rogers Rogers Nee Perkins Rolston Rose Ross
Rousculp Roy Rudd Ruhlen Rumer Saddler Sandlin
Satterfield Saunders Schaffer Schmidt Schneider
Scholfield Schooler Schouten Schroyer Schultz
Schwartz Scott Seaman Seifert Seigel Seitz
Sellers Selover Sexton Shade Shaeffer Shaffer
Shaner Shaw Sheipline Shields Shimp Shockey
Shoffstall Shultz Shuman Sibert Sidener Sigel
Sigler Simpkins Simpko Smith Sneary Snider Snyder
Sosby Spain Spees Spencer Stalnaker Stamats Stant
Stevens Stevenson Stiles Stockton Stoner Stotts
Straker Strausburg Strawser Stroh Stubbs Stumm
Styer Sullivan Summersett Sumney Sutherland
Sutter Swartz Swick Tally Talmage Taylor Tebo
Thomas Thompson Thorpe Thrush Tippie Todd Tullis
Tully Tussing Umbaugh Unger Valenti Vermillion
Volbert Vollbrecht Wade Waggoner Wagner Waitman
Walk Walls Walters Walton Ward Warnock Watt
Wauben Weaver Webb Welch Wells Westbrook
Whetstone Whisman White Wical Wicker Wildermuth
Wilgus Williams Wilson Wimer Winegardner Winkle
Wireman Wiswell Wolf Wolfe Wonnell Wood Wooddell
Woods Woodworth Wren Yale Yehnert Yocum Young
Zeits Zentz Zimmerman