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OVS-Genealogy > Cemetery > USA > Ohio Counties > Allen County >

Allen/Auglaize County, Ohio Genealogy Information

CD: Metcalf Logan Tussing Cemetery

1 cemetery is included on this CD.

We have surveyed the entire cemetery. Pictures of each monument are included.

See list of names below.

Better than a list --This is a Searchable database with pictures.

Easy to find family members.

This cemetery is located on Ream Road, along the Auglaize River in Perry Township, Allen County, Ohio. Towns & cities in the area include Westminster, Waynesfield, Cridersville, Harrod & Lima Ohio.

This cemetery is maintained but in poor condition as of the summer of 2004. Many of the monuments are broken, weathered and quite difficult to read. A great deal of time was spent transcribing this cemetery. After we performed our survey we compared it to the 1954 survey for missing monuments. The names that appeared on the 1954 survey that do not have a stone today are included. All the names from previous surveys are included and all the pictures of stones still visible are included. A few were found that were not on the previous survey.

  • We have included our CemViewer database viewer, included at no cost.
  • Search for First names, lastname, rows or monument stone.
  • Cut and paste information & pictures to your documents.

General information about this CD

  • This CD contains at least 1 picture of each stone still visible or base of stone.
  • There are 2 pictures when monuments have inscriptions on the back and front sides.
  • Large towering stones will have a closeup and a full view.
  • Inscription information, when legible, is typed and included in the database.
  • Information from stones includes Names, Dates, location of the monument and a cemetery map.

Not just names, pictures too.

Deaths ranging from the 1840 's

There are over 40 individual entries included on this CD.

Last Names / Surnames included are:

Chapman Culver Graham Logan McPherron McTaggart Metcalf Moore Morecraft Richardson Rodgers Sleater

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