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OVS-Genealogy > Cemetery > USA > Ohio Counties > Allen County >

Allen/Auglaize County, Ohio Genealogy Information

CD: Fletcher Cemetery & St. Pauls Evangelical Lutheran Church Cemetery

2 cemeteries are included on this CD.

We have surveyed the entire cemetery. Pictures of each monument are included.

See list of names below.

Better than a list --This is a Searchable database with pictures.

Easy to find family members.

This cemetery is located on SR 65 in Perry Township, Allen County, Ohio. Towns & cities in the area include Waynesfield, Cridersville, Uniopolis, Wapakoneta, & Lima Ohio.

  • We have included our CemViewer database viewer, included at no cost.
  • Search for First names, lastname, rows or monument stone.
  • Cut and paste information & pictures to your documents.

General information about this CD

  • This CD contains at least 1 picture of each stone still visible or base of stone.
  • There are 2 pictures when monuments have inscriptions on the back and front sides.
  • Large towering stones will have a closeup and a full view.
  • Inscription information, when legible, is typed and included in the database.
  • Information from stones includes Names, Dates, location of the monument and a cemetery map.

Not just names, pictures too.

Deaths ranging from the 1840 's thru 7/30/2004

There are well over 1000 individuals included on this CD.

Last Names / Surnames included are:

Abbott Abel Accountius Albert Alexander Allen Apple Armitage Armstead Arnett Arrick Ayers Badman Bailey Baker Banks Bankston Barcus Barr Bass Bathtel Battle Beatty Beddow Bellinger Benjamin Bennett Benson Beverly Bevis Bjork Blackburn Blank Blue Boop Buck Bothe Bowers Boyd Brandyberry Brentlinger Bressler Brooks Brown Bridgmon Brownlow Bryan Buchanan Buck Buehler Burgess Burnett Burns Butler Cage Campbell Carey Carroll Carter Caulton Chandler Chipman Chitman Clark Clemons Coats Colbert Coleman Collert Collier Collins Conn Cook Cooper Coppock Cotton Courtney Cove Cromwell Crossley Crough Crumrine Cunningham Dabney Daniel Dansby Davault Davis Deem Denour DeVier Dillard Dilworth Ditullo Dorsey Douglass Dukes Dulebohn Dunbar Dunn Durr Dye Ebling Edmond Eiche Ellis Emerick Emig Fancher Fess Fetter Fields Fisher Florence Flynn Foreman Foster Foust Frank Freeman Fugitt Fuqua Gamble Gary Gayden Gibson Gilroy Gladen Glaze Gooden Grace Graff Grandberry Grant Green Grove Gunn Hadding Haggard Hale Hall Halliburton Hamilton Hammell Handshoe Hardiman Harmon Harper Harris Harruff Harshbarger Harshman Hartzog Haver Haywood Helton Henderson Henry Herren Herring Herron Hetzler Higgins Hill Hines Hoeper Hollar Holly Holzfoster Horage Houston Howbert Hubbard Hudson Humes Huston Hutchins Ingram Island Jackson Johnson Jolliff Jones Kent Keysor Kimes King Kirkman Kline Klinger Koger Kranz Lamb Lehman Lemar Lewis Liles Lingenfelter Lochhead Lock Locke Logan Long Lowery Lowry Lyons Malone Marlatt Marshall Martin Matson Matthews McBeth McBride McClain McCray McDonel McDorman McElroy McElvain McGill McGinis McGriff McGuire McLellan McPheron Mechling Meckling Meek Melton Metzger Michaud Miller Mills Minnich Mitchell Mize Money Montague Moore Morrison Morton Mosley Mumaugh Murphey Myers Nathan Newsome Northrup O'Neal O'Niel Odom Owens Parker Parlette Parson Pearson Perkins Pernell Perry Pharms Phillips Pickering Pinkelton Podzabany Point Pond Pool Powell Price Pugh Pummell Ramey Redman Reed Reeder Reese Rhodes Richardson Ricketts Ricks Ridenour Rigel Riley Rison Rivers Roach Roberson Robertson Robinson Robinson Roddy Rodney Rogers Roof Rousculp Roush Russell Sacks Sanders Sargent Saunders Schlesselman Scholfield Scott Seals Sellers Sexton Shade Shears Shope Sibert Sillmon Simon Sims Skinner Skipworth Smith Socha Sodder Southern Speer Springer Steed Steed Wight Stevens Stokes Stone Stoneburner Stovall Stover Stuber Taylor Teeman Gaddy Thomas Thomes Thompson Tibbs Tippie Toepfer Tolbert Totty Triplett Tucker Tullis Turner Ulrey Upshaw Utterback Van Dyke VanDyke Vangilder Vaughan Vickery Wade Walker Walton Ward Ware Warren Watkins Wayne Webster Wells White Wilkerson Willett Willhight Williams Wilson Winegardner Wingo Winters Wireman Wolfe Wollett Woods Wortham Wright Wykel Yerks Yoast Zeits

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