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Cemeteries of Allen/Auglaize County, Ohio Genealogy Information

CD: Barton - Stevenson Cemetery

1 cemetery is included on this CD.

We have surveyed the entire cemetery. Pictures of each monument, still standing, are included.

This cemetery is in poor condition. Some, not many, of the names listed will not have a picture of the monument because there is simply not a monument to photograph. We compiled this list first by surveying the cemetery and then gathering information from other sources to make a more complete listing. There are places where the ground has sunken. These must be graves with no markers, and we do not have names for all of these. This was a family cemetery and if the complete records still exist they have not been found. We have preserved with pictures what exists today. This cemetery and photos have some fallen trees from an ice storm. If a better photo is needed than is included on the CD please contact us.

This cemetery is located in a woods south of Amherst Road, near Greely Chapel Road in Perry Township. Towns & cities in the area include South Warsaw, Waynesfield, Cridersville, Uniopolis, Wapakoneta, & Lima Ohio. It is a well hidden cemetery.

See list of names below.

Better than a list --This is a Searchable database with pictures.

Easy to find family members.

  • We have included our CemViewer database viewer, included at no cost.
  • Search for First names, lastname, rows or monument stone.
  • Cut and paste information & pictures to your documents.

General information about this CD

  • This CD contains at least 1 picture of each stone still visible or base of stone.
  • There are 2 pictures when monuments have inscriptions on the back and front sides.
  • Large towering stones will have a closeup and a full view.
  • Inscription information, when legible, is typed and included in the database.
  • Information from stones includes Names, Dates, location of the monument and a cemetery map.

Not just names, pictures too.

Deaths ranging from the 1840 's thru 1940's

There are over 90 individuals included on this CD.

Last Names / Surnames included are:

Barr Bartin Barton Boop Bramwell Brentlinger Brintlinger Chapman Feaster Graham Jones Lowery Lowry McTaggert Munch Penton Ream Rush Sellers Stevenson Ulrey Vorhis Vroman Walton Welker

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