Documenting and citing the research sources is an
important and often overlooked part of research.
By documenting a source it eliminates the need to
search the same source again and provides a paper
trail for other researchers. Citing the sources
supports information and conclusions and adds
credibility to the work.
Records: Primary and Secondary Resources
In genealogy the records obtained during research
are referred to as either "primary" or
"secondary" .
Primary records are usually original
documents or copies of original documents. These
records are considered the most reliable
resources. Examples:
Diaries and Journals
Census Records
Court Records(Probate)-- Property Deeds, Will
and Testament, Birth and death records
Church baptism or marriage records
Passenger lists
Military records.
Secondary records are records that are
compiled or published based on original
documents. Examples:
Family Histories
Indexes or compilations of cemeteries,
marriage,biographies, etc...
Court Records(Probate)-- Property Deeds, Will
and Testament, Birth and death records
Cemetery transcriptions
Primary Source
Secondary Source
Birth Certificate, Family Bible Entry
Marriage License, Cemetery Transcription,
Death Certificate, Funeral Home Record,
Marriage License, Family Bible Entry
Cemetery Transcription, Funeral Home Record,
Death Certificate, Family Bible Entry
Cemetery Transcription, Death Certificate,
Funeral Home Record, Social Security Record,
Insurance Record, Obituary
Many times, especially for pioneers,
primary records simply do not exist. In many cases
the head stones at the cemetery provide the only
source for your research.
Finding Records
There are many sources online as well as digital
records on CD. You can try our free Free
genealogy search tool to help with finding
information on the web.
Many local libraries, the Morman Church Family
History Centers, and genealogy societies also
have these records available.
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